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"Wow, what a long winter we have had!  My home town of Kansas City, MO still has 12 inches of snow on the ground but even with these late winter storms, the crappie are still on the move, they know it’s almost time for them to start spawning (it’s amazing how mother nature works)."

   As great as the fishing will be in the next four weeks, it can also be one of the most frustrating times of the year to try to catch slab crappie.  This is due to the early spring time cold fronts that blow in and put those crappie in a funk; biting like crazy one day and closed mouth the next.  When this occurs, we seek out thick cover, such as a MossBack FishRack, brush pile, or stake bed.  The crappie seem to dig into these types of cover after a massive spring time front hits. 

   Another tip we use is applying scent to our baits; this is a must when the crappie are in the, post front funk. Our scent of choice is the Juiced Up Baits Panfish Gel, in Chartreuse, and the Panfish Blend.  In the last twenty years of fishing crappie tournaments, I have never seen anything that works as well or that has the lasting power of Juiced Up Baits; and keep in mind we have tried everything.  We believe that adding scent to our Bobby Garland Baits makes a huge difference!

   Before I start my fishing day, I pull out a bottle of the Panfish Gel and squirt it directly on my hands and rub them together, just like your using hand lotion.  Because of its all natural makeup, it doesn’t hurt anything we touch and it acts as a cover up sent; a lot like a deer hunter uses cover up scent when chasing whitetails.  It helps remove human scent or any other unnatural scent that we might have touched.  It also adds some extra scent to our baits when changing out colors, or when we are adjusting our lure with our hands.

Get yourself a bottle, and give it a try!


Author:  Kevin Rogers

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